
If you want to get the most out of your Facebook ad campaigns, you’ve come to the right place. This article will explore tips and strategies to optimise your Facebook and Instagram Ads for maximum performance. With the ever-evolving digital landscape, staying up-to-date with the latest trends and tactics regarding advertising on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram is essential.

Why’s It Important to Optimise Facebook Ads?

In recent years, Facebook and Instagram Ads have become increasingly popular forms of advertising for businesses. It is a cost-effective way to reach potential customers and increase brand awareness. But why is it important to optimise your Facebook and Instagram ads?

Optimising your Facebook and Instagram allows you to make the most of your spending on advertising. By analysing data from previous campaigns and understanding what works best for your target audience, you can create more effective ads that will generate higher conversions and drive sales. Additionally, optimising Facebook and Instagram ads helps ensure that the ads reach the right people in the right places at the right times, allowing them to be seen by those who are more likely to convert into customers.

By taking time to optimise your Facebook and Instagram ads, you can save money in the long run while increasing visibility and driving sales.

Choose The Right Campaign Objective

Running a successful Facebook and Instagram campaign requires choosing the right objectives. The objective is what the algorithm uses to build audiences. With a wide range of options, knowing what type of objective best suits your business needs can be difficult. Here’s an overview of some top objectives you should consider for your next campaign.

  • Awareness
  • Traffic
  • Engagement
  • Leads
  • App Promotion
  • Sales

When considering which objective is the most appropriate for your goals, start by considering what action you want people to take after seeing your ad. Do you want them to visit a website? Sign up for an event? Make a purchase? Once you determine the desired outcome, you can look at the various options on Facebook and choose the best.

A/B Test Ad Creatives & Copy

A/B testing is a great way to compare two versions of an ad to discover which one is more effective. Advertisers will set up experiments where two variants of an ad are shown to viewers randomly, and then testing is done to see which achieves greater conversion rates.

You will want to test different aspects of your creatives to determine which resonates with your clients or businesses audience best:

  • Videos vs Carousels vs images
  • User-generated-content vs content you’ve made

In addition to testing your content, you will also need to test different copy styles. Here are a few we test;

  • Long copy vs short copy vs one-liner
  • Emojis vs no emojis
  • Copies with reviews
  • Copies write in paragraph style vs bullet points

A/B testing can become a significant undertaking depending on the level of detail you need to focus on. But, if you are interested in an improved ROI, A/B testing is well worth your while.

Excluding People From Your Ad Sets

A common mistake is not excluding people from your different ad sets. You do not want to market to people who have already seen and perhaps purchased based on other campaigns you are running.

Two ways we avoid this overlap:

  • Exclude people who have purchased in the last 30 days
  • Exclude people who have visited your site in the last 15 days

You can also choose to exclude people by using your email list or by excluding people who follow your social media pages. Excluding these people from your top of the funnel will ensure you are reaching a new audience. Everyone else should be pushed down into your remarketing campaigns (if they haven’t purchased already)

Checking Your Spend On Placements

Once your campaign has spent half its budget – or at least has been running for two weeks- you can check to see the CPR and ROAS of your ad placement. From our experience ‘Feed” placement is always the winner. But you may find that Stories or Reels has a very low CPR for your business. You will want to test a new ad set focusing on these ad placements. Or perhaps Facebook placements are costing more than Instagram. In that case, you may want to test an ad set for Instagram.

Keep An Eye On Metrics

You need to know two things before starting your campaign:

  • What is our primary metric – Reach, CPC, ROAS or CPR – if you are running a conversion campaign, it should be ROAS and CPR.
  • What is your goal, and what numbers are you not willing to exceed

Knowing these two points will enable you to make the right decisions regarding turning off ad sets and ads. You may have an ad set that is obtaining a lot of purchases, but if the ROAS needs to be higher, that ad set isn’t working for you. Or you may have an ad with CPR that seems high, but when you look at the ROAS you may find that this is higher than other ads and thus worth keeping on.

Scaling Your Budget

Once your campaigns get results you are happy with, you will want to start scaling your budget. When setting up campaigns, I will ensure that I have some extra budget left over to scale my campaigns down the line.

You might be thinking, “Well, I’m a small business with a low budget. How can I afford to scale?”

Scaling your budget does not mean you need to jump from £20 per day to £200. I have clients for whom I can only scale their budget by £5 weekly. But even with this small budget increase, I see the difference!

Final Thoughts

A comprehensive digital marketing strategy and campaign objectives are essential for small businesses to manage their ads effectively. With the right strategy in place, businesses can maximise their budget, target their desired audience and reach their desired objectives. As technology advances, so does the need for businesses to stay up-to-date with digital marketing strategies that are tailored to their budget needs. By following these tips, businesses can make informed decisions on creating an effective digital marketing plan that leads to success.

If you want to advertise on Meta or another social media platform, Mad Social can help you obtain the best results possible with your social media campaigns.

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